Man the Pump!

The driver was unsure what had happened. He had depressed the clutch on his pumper truck and switched on the PTO, but when he released the clutch to engage the vacuum pump the truck nearly stalled. “It’s broke…” he simply reported after pulling it into the shop.
Vacuum pumps are the heart of a pumper rig set-up. Maintaining your pump will make or “break” your business and bank account in a hurry! While blowers are increasing in popularity this article is devoted to rotary vane pumps. There are several simple steps to keep your pump in good running condition.
A working oil system is the first place to start. Unlike an internal combustion engine, your vacuum pump is designed to consume oil to keep internal parts lubricated. It will expel a fine oil mist out of the muffler. Contact your pump manufacturer to determine the correct oil usage for your pump. Some pump manufacturers have installed external sight eyes or tubes, while others will require you to check the oil internally. Another best practice is to keep an eye on the external oil reservoir to make sure the level is decreasing as you go throughout your day.
Running your pump at the proper speed is essential! Manual transmission trucks allow you to engage the pump gently with the truck clutch. Automatic transmissions engage immediately when you flip the PTO switch. Either should be done at the lowest engine RPM’s possible. Once the pump is engaged you can adjust to the proper engine speed. Remember that your engine RPM’s do not match your pump speed. Refer to your tank manufacturer for suggested engine RPM’s for your particular set-up. Running your pump too slowly can prevent the vanes from extending, resulting in no vacuum. Over running the pump will overheat it and prevent proper lubrication.
Overheating your pump can result from a variety of other causes, as well. If your vacuum or pressure exceeds recommended levels, your pump will quickly overheat. Most trucks are equipped with a pressure gauge on the secondary to monitor vacuum or pressure in the tank. Check your relief valves periodically to ensure proper working condition. Keep your pump clean. Dirt and debris on the exterior of the pump housing will prevent it from properly radiating heat.
Be sure to frequently check your secondary and muffler drain valves. Sometimes the valves can clog preventing proper drainage. When driving over rough terrain or down steep inclines, water can seep past your primary into your secondary. If you ever notice white “smoke” coming from your muffler you should immediately drain your secondary and allow the pump to expel the water. Allowing water into your pump is the quickest way to break a vane causing costly repairs and downtime. Some tank manufacturers install a flushing fluid kit on the truck. Flushing your pump with a small amount of approved flushing fluid is recommended every 10-20 loads.
Attention to the small details is the name of the game. Your oil level, RPM speed, pressure gauges and drain valves can be easily overlooked. Proper attention to these indicators will go a long way towards a healthy pump and a healthy pocketbook.
Ike Martin -Pik Rite, Inc.
Ike has been servicing and rebuilding vacuum pumps for the past 13 years. His experience and expertise in the service department at Pik Rite, Inc. is highly valued. Pik Rite manufacturers and services commercial vacuum tanks, hoist units, roll-offs, slide-ins, portable toilet service units and tank trailers ranging in size from 300 to 6,500 gallons. Our 15 year steel tank warranty sets us apart from the competition. Tanks are available in steel, stainless steel and aluminum.
Call 800-339-3840 and mention promo code ALW for a 10% discount on pumps and pump parts during the month of December.
A Conversation with Senator Yaw
Pik Rite was glad to host Senator Gene Yaw and his team for a tour of our facility.
10% Discount on a new vacuum pump!

One of the most important parts of your business is your vacuum pump. If your vacuum pump is down, your truck is disabled, and your business is losing money. This month, get a back-up pump or replace an older one to limit your down time in the future. During the month of December get a 10% discount on the purchase of any new pump from a variety of manufacturers. Call the Pik Rite sales team today and let them know you would like to take part in this month’s parts promotion and you will receive your discount.
Call now to get a new vacuum pump! 800-326-9763
For more information you can also email Jamie in our Parts Department.
*Phone orders must be placed before 5:00 PM EST December 30, 2016 to qualify.
Orders submitted by fax or email must be submitted by midnight November 31, 2016 to qualify.
Your Primary Concern

Whether you’re pulling the pumper rig back into the home parking lot after a long day or just starting the engine on a cool morning, it always brings a good feeling to know that your primary and secondary’s have been inspected and maintained. Primary and secondary shut off valves are easily dismissed as having “always worked before” and are expected to be maintenance free. However, there are few components on your truck where regular maintenance is more important.
Your primary shut-off valve keeps your truck from overfilling and allowing liquid to enter your vacuum pump, which will cause extensive damage to the pump. It has a stainless steel ball contained in a metal cage that floats to the top when full and “seats” on a rubber gasket, effectively sealing the tank. The secondary also has a float ball and rubber seat offering protection in case the primary should fail. If the primary float ball is positioned in a carbon steel cage, the cage will rust after time. When the cage breaks the ball will fall to the floor of your tank or float to another area allowing wastewater to pass through your primary shut off and enter your secondary. If there is debris on the rubber seat it can cause the ball to seat improperly with the same result. Simple maintenance performed on a regular basis can prevent this.
Removing the wing nuts and visually inspecting the cage for rust, corrosion, or debris is important. Regularly rinsing it off with fresh water will help extend its life. You may want to consider replacing it with a stainless steel cage. The rubber seat should also be inspected for wear. Make sure there are no cracks in the rubber and clean off any debris that may adhere to it. When replacing the primary lid be sure the rubber gasket is free of debris and has no cracks or tears. The secondary needs the same basic attention. It also operates as a moisture trap and is equipped with a drain valve at the bottom. Check the drain valve to make sure it is not clogged. The secondary should be drained after every load.
If you need to make any repairs to the plumbing of the primary or secondary, be sure to consult the pump or tank manufacturer. It is very important that the proper sizes of pipe and hose are used depending on the CFM capability of your pump. Wrong sizes of plumbing can cause your pump to underperform and eventually overheat.
Simple maintenance on a monthly basis will keep your truck on the road and making you money. However, if you fail to routinely clean and maintain your primary and secondary, you will soon have much bigger concerns.
Submitted by the Pik Rite Team
Call 800-326-9763 and mention November Parts Promotion for a 10% discount on primary and secondary parts and assemblies during November.
Pik Rite, Inc. is a custom manufacturer of commercial vacuum tanks. Pik Rite hoist units, roll-offs, slide-ins, portable toilet service units and tank trailers come in sizes ranging from 300 gallons to 6,500 gallons. Our 15 year steel tank warranty sets us apart from the competition. Tanks are available in steel, stainless steel and aluminum.